Senior Media Services
Senior Media Services operates under the auspices of Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW), South Puget Sound Area Office.
Senior Media Services serves the information needs of seniors in Pierce and King counties with our monthly newspaper, “Senior Scene” and a yearly directory called “”Where To Turn.“ Senior Scene also serves Kitsap County. Both publications are distributed free, though mail subscriptions to Senior Scene are available by calling 253-722-5687. Senior Scene, which is distributed free at hundreds of locations, offers news, features, information and advertising to help seniors lead healthy, happy and productive lives. Where to Turn, which is made available free of charge through public and private providers of all types of services, provides a handy, easy way to find community resources.
The generous support of advertisers enables Senior Media Services to make Senior Scene and Where to Turn available as free resources to tens of thousands of people. Information about advertising is on this web site and at 253-722-5687.
Individuals who would like to help support Senior Media Services can mail checks to the address shown below. Please designate your gift to the South Puget Sound office and Senior Scene.
Mail Checks to:
Senior Media Services
3848 S. Junett St.
Tacoma WA 98409