Even in ordinary times, the more than 840,000 unpaid family caregivers in Washington face a daunting set of daily tasks. Oftentimes with little or no training, they may be responsible for wound care, tube feedings, dressing, managing the finances and medical bills of their loved ones, transportation and

Of course, these are no ordinary times.

The coronavirus pandemic has complicated the lives of family caregivers, especially those with older loved ones who are most susceptible to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. It has added fear, anxiety and isolation to an already stressful situation. Here in Washington, routines have been upended as communities cope with this disease. Governor Jay Inslee has issued a “stay at home” order and many adult living facilities are closed to visitors.

Since the outbreak of the virus, AARP has been urging family caregivers to develop a plan in case they get sick or their loved one does. Our recommendations include:

  • Pull together a team. Develop a list of family and friends who can perform daily caregiving tasks. If available, identify local caregiving services who may offer a respite for family and friends.
  • Identify local services. In response to the virus, many restaurants and pharmacies added or increased their delivery services. The federal government’s Eldercare Locator can help you find support services in your area, and can be contacted by calling 1-800-677-1116 or online at www.eldercare.acl.gov. The new online “AARP Community Connections” enables people to enter their zip codes and find informal groups of neighbors and friends offering help right in their own communities (aarpcommunityconnections.org).
  • Inventory essential items. Determine how much food, medication, and basic supplies your care recipient has on hand. We recommend a two-week supply of food, water, household cleaning supplies and medical materials and equipment.
  • Get prescriptions in order. Make sure you have a list of medications, medical contacts, and important information about your loved one, such as drug allergies. If there are upcoming routine medical appointments, reschedule those or, if possible, switch to a virtual visit. The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends having an extra 30-day supply of essential medications on hand. Don’t forget over-the-counter medications such as cough suppressants and fever-reducing drugs like acetaminophen.
  • Stay connected. Isolation is a big issue as we all follow the social distancing guidance from the CDC. However, social distancing doesn’t have to lead to social disconnection. Develop a communication plan and identify times when members of the care team will check in on your loved one. Skype, Zoom, and Facetime are useful digital apps that can help, but so are lower-tech options like e-mail and telephones. To help fight the isolation, encourage people to send cards, letters, magazines, puzzles or other items a loved one would be happy to receive.
  • Protect yourself. Like they tell you on an airplane, “Put your own mask on first.” Now more than ever, it is important for family caregivers to take care of themselves. Follow the CDC guidelines of washing hands frequently, avoiding crowds, practice social distancing, and by all means, if you feel sick, stay home. If you develop the virus, you will be of little use to those who are counting on you.

To help caregivers, AARP has a dedicated, toll-free family caregiving line for people looking after a loved one. Agents are available to take calls Monday-Friday at 877-333-5885.AARP also has a Facebook group where caregivers get tips from experts, share their own stories and just get a little encouragement from others in a similar situation. You can also find answers to many of your questions online at aarp.org/caregiving.

For more information on taking care of yourself and your loved ones during the coronavirus crisis, visit www.aarp.org/coronavirus or www.aarp.org/wa. You can also call the Washington State Novel Coronavirus Call Center at 800-525-0127.


Doug Shadel, who wrote this article, is the state director for AARP Washington.

Teachers, corrections officers, and other state employees who haven’t seen a permanent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in their retirement plans due to state budget cuts during the Great Recession will get one this summer.
Under a new law (House Bill 1390) that was approved earlier this year by the Legislature and signed in April by Governor Jay Inslee, the state will fund a 3 percent increase that will take effect July 1 for the state retirement system.
According to the Department of Retirement Systems, the pension program covers 198,755 retirees, beneficiaries and others who receive monthly payments, and 336,280 active employees who are working and contributing to the plans. Another 292,789 members have left state employment but haven’t started receiving payments. The numbers were current as of the end of 2019.
“This state has fantastic former teachers, school cafeteria workers, corrections officers, park maintenance staff, and social workers who worked hard and played by the rules. But due to the Great Recession, they have fallen behind and have had to make tough choices about what bills they can pay. That’s wrong and I am proud that this new law will give them a modest increase to help cover those monthly costs,” said state Rep. Mari Leavitt, who sponsored the funding measure.

Senior centers in Auburn, Federal Way, Enumclaw and Des Moines are among 38 organizations serving older adults in King County that will share about $3.5 million in new, voter-authorized funding from the county.

The one-time investments will help senior centers and community centers expand programs to reach more seniors, make their facilities safer and more accessible, and buy equipment and appliances for them, according to County Executive Dow Constantine.

The senior-specific funding is the first round of new money provided through the countywide Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy, which was renewed by voters in 2017.

“The people of King County trusted us to invest in programs and services that will improve the quality of life for seniors, and that is exactly what we are doing,” Constantine said in an announcement of the funding in September. “Senior centers do more than connect people with resources – they keep people connected to one another. That’s why our first major investment by the levy will help nearly 40 senior centers throughout our region.”

By 2040, more than a quarter of King County’s population will be seniors. Healthy lifestyles and social engagement are keys to living long and well, officials said.

Senior-oriented organizations countywide applied for money for one-time facility improvements or repairs, training, equipment, digital infrastructure, renovations of buildings to help the disabled, and enhancements of current programs.

The locations of centers whose requests were accepted range from Seattle to Pacific and virtually everywhere in between. In south King County alone, the centers, their projects and the amount of money allocated include:

  • Auburn: $105,000 for a hearing loop system (a sound system that provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by hearing aid through a special setting), a new power chair to increase accessibility, senior social work, a new floor, and fitness programs.
  • Des Moines-Normandy Park: $37,000 for a hearing loop system, facility repairs, and improvements to a senior resource library.
  • Enumclaw: $84,000 for more outreach, language classes, a new sound system, an update to the center’s policies and procedures, and a new dishwasher.
  • Federal Way: $130,000 for additional outreach and partnership with Latinos, new kitchen equipment, other facility repairs, including fixing the floor.
  • Pacific: $65,000 for ADA-compliant bathrooms, new IT systems, a hearing loop system, and staffing.

County officials said the funding will help stabilize and build senior services and increase access and inclusion. Among the key improvements, they said, are hearing loops, which help seniors participate in activities. Efforts to increase attendance at senior centers and minor capital projects and repairs also are particular focuses for the funding. Another goal is access to services and reduced isolation for seniors who speak little or no English.

“Some of the most vulnerable in our community are often our most overlooked,” said County Councilman Pete von Reichbauer. “In past years, services for our seniors have too often been pushed aside. However, with the implementation of the levy, our seniors will finally receive priority.”


Pat Jenkins is the editor of Senior Scene and the

Dances and other musical events, sometimes involving youngsters and oldsters alike, are among the activities at Enumclaw Senior Center. It’s one of the 38 organizations serving older adults that are getting upgrades in their programs and/or facilities with the help of new voter-approved funding in King County.

program director for Senior Media Services.

Patrick Galbraith, who already was arguably Tacoma’s most accomplished competitor in the sport, now has another claim to tennis fame.

On Oct. 13, the United States Tennis Association of the Pacific Northwest (USTA PNW) formally dedicated the Galbraith Tennis Center, a newly refurbished indoor facility at the same site in Tacoma where Galbraith honed his game on the way to international stardom.

The Galbraith center and its six resurfaced courts, which opened to the public in September, fill a void left by the closure of indoor courts in recent years.  USTA PNW, a regional section of the national non-profit governing body of tennis, sees the center’s revitalization as a way to expand tennis by giving everyone – seniors included — more opportunities to play the game.

Activities at the center are literally geared for all ages. For older adults, there are tournaments throughout the year and lessons for 60-and-up players.

“The great thing about tennis is that it’s really not age-based. It’s skill-based. We have many 80-year- olds of all levels on our courts,” said Mary Rarick, a spokeswoman for the center.

Rarick noted the average age of tennis players in the Pacific Northwest is 52, one of the highest such averages in the U.S. and an indication here of “a healthy population of senior players who are driving up the average.”

According to USTA PNW, the Pacific Northwest is experiencing a groundswell of interest in tennis, but there is only one indoor court for every 26,706 people. Officials said facilities like the Galbraith center are needed badly in order to build a sustainable future for tennis in the region with places for everyone to play the game, regardless of age, economic status and ability.

“I am so thrilled to be a part of the effort to keep my hometown playing the sport I love so much,” Galbraith said.

Galbraith, now 51, was born in and grew up playing tennis in Tacoma. At the height of his professional career, he was ranked number one in the world in doubles and either won or finished second in some of the biggest tournaments, including two runnerup finishes at Wimbledom in men’s doubles in 1993 and 1994.

The Galbraith center is located at 1680 Mildred St. and can be contacted at gtc@pnw.usta.com and 253-533-1145.

The USTA PNW, headquartered in Beaverton, Ore., has added facility management to its overall promotion and development of tennis. In addition to opening the Galbraith complex, the organization opened the Vancouver Tennis Center in Vancouver in September. The association also runs a recreational tennis program, tournaments and training, and organizes fund-raising and scholarships.

Instructors at Galbraith Tennis Center give players pointers to help improve their games and their enjoyment of the game.