A workshop on recognizing health and safety issues among the elderly will be hosted in Tacoma on three dates in November by the Pierce County Aging and Disabiilty Resource Center.

“There are some important indicators that a family member might be at risk,” said Aaron Van Valkenberg, the agency’s manager. “Knowing what to look for and what questions to ask is essential. A little preparation can help families avoid unexpected emergencies and do what’s in the best intereset of everyone.”

The “Breaking the Ice” workshops, which are free, are scheduled for:

• Nov. 5 from 10 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. at the Pierce County Annex, 2401 35th St.

• Nov. 8 from 10 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. at the County-City Building, 930 Tacoma Ave. S., seventh-floor Rainier Conference Room.

• Nov. 10 from 10 to 11 a.m. at TACID, 6315 S. 19th St.

Additional information is available at 253-798-4600 or 1-800-562-0332.

Trinity Lutheran Church in Tacoma will host a Veterans Day celebration Nov. 11.

The event, scheduled to start at 1 p.m., will include a procession and posting of the colors by Scouts and the Joint Base Lewis-McChord Color Guard, patriotic songs, chaplain Robert Kinnune as the featured guest speaker, recognition of veterans and active-duty military personnel, and a memorial roll call. A reception will follow the ceremony.

Trinity Lutheran is located at 12115 Park Ave. S. Additional information, including directions to the church, is available at (253) 537-0201.

By Amy Lewis, PLLC

When it comes to planning for their future health care, most people’s first thought is that they need to have a living will (called a “Health Care Directive” in Washington).  Once they have a Health Care Directive in place, then most people feel that they have future health care decisions covered.

Unfortunately, a Health Care Directive is only one of the documents you need, and it is not the most important document when planning for health care decisions.
There are three documents to consider: (1) Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions, (2) Health Care Directive, and (3) possibly a Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (or “POLST”).  Of these documents, the Durable power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions is by far the most important because it will apply anytime that you are unable to communicate.

The Health Care Directive applies in relatively narrow circumstances–end of life where no recovery is expected or in the event of a permanent coma. In those narrow circumstances, it states your preference for the use of various forms of life support. It does not name another person to make decisions for you.

In contrast, the Power of Attorney could apply in many different situations, both temporary and long-term. For example the Power of Attorney could be used in the event of temporary unconsciousness following an accident or a surgical procedure from which you are expected to recover.  Powers of Attorney are also commonly used when a person has a long-term debilitating illness, such as Alzheimer’s and is no longer able to make decisions, but is not yet terminal.

Powers of Attorney usually include the power to make end-of-life decisions concerning the use of life support. The Health Care Directive is helpful because it gives guidance to the person who has your Power of Attorney. The last document, the POLST, is similar to the Health Care Directive, but you complete it with the assistance of your physician and the physician also signs it. Most often the POLST is used when a patient has a diagnosis that is likely to trigger these types of issues at some point in the future. The patient then has the opportunity to discuss these issues with the physician.  Like the Health Care Directive, the POLST addresses end of life issues and is not a substitute for the Power of Attorney that might be needed in situations arising prior to end of life.

Amy Lewis is an estate and tax planning attorney with Eisenhower, Carlson in Tacoma.  Please consult a qualified estate planner before making a gift in your will.

The Alzheimer’s Caregiver Conference will be held on Sept. 19 at University Place Presbyterian Church, 8101 27th St W from 8:30 to 4 p.m.  This annual free conference provides the family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s an entire day’s worth of speakers, complimentary respite, breakfast and lunch as they learn about taking care of themselves and their loved ones.

Connie Thompson from the KOMO News Team will be the keynote speaker.  Thompson and her sister provide the care for her mother in their mother’s struggle with dementia.  The conference will also feature Dr. Doug Wornell, Geriatric Psychiatrist and author of “Wandering Explorers: Practical Dementia for Families and Caregivers.”  Wornell will talk about challenging behaviors.  A service provider panel will offer information on a wide variety of community resources.

Participants must register in advance at (253) 798-8787.  Registration begins Aug. 1.  For more information about the conference, call the Pierce County Aging & Disability Resource Center at (253) 798-4600.

The caregiver conference is sponsored by Health Care Providers Council of Pierce County (HCPC) along with Weatherly Inn, Advanced Health Care, Franke Tobey Jones, Peoples Retirement Community and Rehmke & Flynn.  HCPC is a non-profit organization that promotes the highes standards of service, care and well-being for older and disabled adults.  Members represent various organizations committed to providing exceptional services to seniors in our community.