Veteran organizations & assistance in Pierce County
If you are a veterans organization in Pierce County and you are not listed here, please contact or call (253) 722-5687.
AXPOW (American Ex-Prisoners of War): Tacoma chapter potluck/meeting, Amvets Hall, 5717 S. Tyler, Tacoma; 2nd Mon, 11:30 a.m.; (253) 565-0444.
Disabled American Veterans:Â Service Officers offer free help with earned VA benefits, transportation and advocacy. Contact them at (253) 752-2970.
Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity is expanding its capacity to serve veterans and active military as homeowners and volunters. Contact Ashley Habitat for Humanity Veteran outreach coordinator 253-627-5626.
Heroes to Hometowns: A networking group for active duty and veteran service members to connect them and their families with the many service agencies available. Over 115 agencies and many civilian volunteer groups that provide support to military personnel and their families attend the once a month meeting. offers links and phone numbers. Meetings are 2nd Tues from 9:30 to 11:30 at Downtown Tacoma Goodwill Millgard Work Center.
Luncheon Workshop: The Masonic Retirement Center, 23660 Marine View Dr. S. in Des Moines, WA, will hold a luncheon workshop (lunch provided) on July 10 from 12:30 to 2 p..m. Lunch is provided. If you or your staff refer residents for veteran benefits, make sure they know who is scamming and who is not. The workshop will cover accreditation requirements for representing vets, how and when different types of trusts are used in VA and Medicaid planning and when annuities are appropriate. Speakers include, elder law and estate planning attorney, Mark Albertson, insurance and planning planner, Britt Burkhart and the Director of Masonic Outreach Services, Mary Craves-Hollands. For information or to RSVP, call 877-684-0765.
Major Home Repair:City of Lakewood & City of Tacoma programs for owner-occupied residences offer low income, diaabled or elderly the ability to repair or replace a failed component such as roofing, heating or electrical systems. Tacoma: contact Dan Rome at (253) 591-5236/ Lakewood: contact Pat Chubb at or (253) 983-7785.
Minor Home Repair: Tacoma program offers disabled, elderly or very low income the ability to pay for inexpensive components. Repairs must be under $400 to fix. Call MDC at (253) 591-7020.
PCMARVETS: Veterans assisting veterans. Mobile Service Office in Pierce County to enable Veteran Service Officers to reach out to vets unable to get to a Service Officer to file a claim or find out what benefits are available for them. or email at or (253) 283-1712.
The Soldiers Project Northwest: Provides free, no report mental health counseling for and (OEF/OIF) military personnel, their family and loved ones in Washington state. Call (206) 290-1035 or
Veterans Homelessness Prevention Program: For veterans at risk of losing their current housing or have been homeless for less than 90 days. Must be at or below 50 percent of Area Median Income, willing to pay 30 percent of their income towards rent and engage in weekly supportive services. (855) 468-8387. Please have a copy of your DD214, a copy of lease and eviction notice, and verification of income.
Tacoma Goodwill’s Veteran’s Employment Program: Offers veterans and their families job development, individual & family counseling, resume writing, skills analysis, family financial strengthening, job retention and more. Contact Alexis Burrus at (253) 573-6821 or or Mike Tassin at (253) 573-6653 or