Liz McDevitt and her husband , Larry, spend a lot of time laughing and enjoying life. Liz is an artist and writer, and Larry restores vintage cars. (Joan Cronk/Senior Scene)
Liz McDevitt and her husband , Larry, spend a lot of time laughing and enjoying life. Liz is an artist and writer, and Larry restores vintage cars. (Joan Cronk/Senior Scene)
One doesn’t have to be around Liz and Larry McDevitt very long to understand that the couple, married 56 years, are a great team.
They treat each other with respect, finish each other’s sentences and spend a lot of time laughing.
Liz retired due to her hearing loss after serving for 10 years as the director of the Salvation Army Senior Center.
She suffered from childhood illnesses that could have resulted in her hearing loss, and it wasn’t until she was 35 years old when she had a hearing test that her hearing loss was diagnosed.
“The testing wasn’t very sophisticated and we had a lot of vanity in those days about wearing a hearing aid, but it was so neat to hear things. A flushing toilet sounded like Niagara Falls,” she said.
Larry, who is also involved in a number of projects, including restoring old cars, was glad she could hear better, too.
“I just thought she was ignoring me,” he joked as he showed off the 1948 Dodge truck he restored himself.
Retiring is a word Liz uses loosely, because she is extremely involved in a number of activities. She is an accomplished artist who paints wildlife, tugboats, portraits and still life, and belongs to Pacific Gallery Artists. She appears in juried shows, publishes Pacific Gallery Artists’ newsletter, and is working on her online book called “Folks Hear the Darndest Things,” which can be viewed at Liz posts one quip every week, and as of now there are no archives to past posts. “I’m working on that,” she said.
Following are some questions posed to Liz about her new book and her busy life.

What is your book about?

It is about hearing loss, but it is also regarding people that have good hearing that can end up having selective hearing. It depends on the person’s voice, the tone of your voice. ‘I can hear you, but I don’t understand you.’

Where did you come up with the idea for your book?

I’ve been working on it for about 20 years. I want to direct people to other avenues of support and to see the humor of our disabilities. (For support, Liz attends TACID’s hearing loss group in Tacoma.) One lady said she was disabled in her ears, but not disabled all over. Larry’s hearing is so good he can hear a mouse peeing on a blotter. You just have to find the humor in it. I was losing my incentive, money and time – I am 74 years old – and didn’t want to let my family and friends down who have been so faithful sending quips. But the Lord’s answer came. I got to thinking about my art league’s web site and thought why not?

Why did you decide to do it online versus a printed book?

Our daughter, Leeann, bought a five-years domain site for my birthday. She spent two hours setting it up and this was the answer to my prayer, giving me incentive, but challenging, too.

How long did it take you to write it?

It is an ongoing project. It took me 20 years to get the first word down. People are sending me little funny stories, especially couples.

What is the saddest story?

Sweet nothings that Larry said and I didn’t hear.

What do you hope people get out of reading your book?

Develop a sense of humor! Don’t get mad if someone doesn’t understand, because sometimes you can understand and other times you can draw a blank. Hearing aids are not always the answer. Habits have been developed over the years, just trying to survive, especially not knowing you have hearing loss. Teachers today recognize in children when hearing should be tested. I learned early on to read lips.

What should people know about hearing loss?

Folks need to understand it is a disability and we are not disabled all over. Even folks with good hearing need to be educated. We can’t always understand what is being said, but don’t shut out folks. They will become reclusive, be quiet in gatherings, struggle to hear or misinterpret what is said in conversation. Don’t yell. Be patient. Technology is making so many advances, so there is hope for those with hearing loss to get back into life.

Tom Faubion is a practicing attorney and senior partner of a law firm in Lakewood when he isn't riding and working the trails. (Jim Bryant/Senior Scene)
Tom Faubion is a practicing attorney and senior partner of a law firm in Lakewood when he isn’t riding and working the trails. (Jim Bryant/Senior Scene)

Almost every weekend, Tom Faubion leaves his Lakewood law office, saddles up and heads into the hills of eastern Pierce County for volunteer duty. That makes him a hero to state officials and fellow wilderness horse riders.

Faubion’s 25-year commitment to developing the horse trails in Elbe Hills State Forest near Mount Rainier has earned undying appreciation and recognition from the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR), which recently presented him with one of its Volunteer Hero awards.

The honor was presented by state Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark, who heads DNR, during a recreation leadership meeting Dec. 6 in Seattle. Faubion, who lives in Kapowsin, and Bob Langley of Everett were the lone volunteers statewide who received the annual award for what Goldmark called their “sustained service, superior performance, leadership and commitment” to DNR’s volunteer program.

“These Volunteer Heroes inspire the best in all of us. Not only do their actions directly influence the success of the program, but their dedication and sense of service inspire those who have the opportunity to work with them,” Goldmark said.

From Faubion’s perspective, “DNR has been very supportive of all the volunteers and the work we do,” he said.

A member of the Backcountry Horsemen since the 1970s, Faubion and other club members have developed and maintained a horse trail system at Elbe Hills. During thousands of volunteer hours, they have produced “the finest trailhead and trail system in Washington,” he said. “It’s a showplace for anyone wanting to see what can be done through the cooperation of volunteers and the state.”

DNR officials said Faubion is often one of the first to help clear trails of downed trees and debris after storms. On one of his most recent regular visits to the trails, he packed in material for an interpretive center that volunteers are helping build.

Faubion is senior partner in the Lakewood law firm of Faubion, Reeder, Fraley and Cook. He said he always looks forward to his regular weekend forays at Elbe Hills.

DNR picked Langley as a Volunteer Hero for his work on trails in Capitol State Forest, Tahuya State Forest, and Walker Valley. His efforts have included rerouting trails to protect streams and reopening them after storms.

In the first nine months of 2012, volunteers donatd more than 49,000 hours of labor statewide, according to DNR. Goldmark said their effort enhances environmental protection, public safety and overall quality of life for fellow Washingtonians and users of state recreation land.

DNR manages about 3 million acres of state-owned trust lands for revenue to trust beneficiaries, including public schools and universities, as well as public services in several counties. The agency also manages approximately 2.6 million acres of aquatic area, including parts of Puget Sound. Goldmark is the elected head of the department.

Back Country Horsemen of Washington  is a non-profit organization with 35 chapters across the state dedicated to keeping trails open for all users. The group educates horse users in “leave no traces” for trail use, and is an advocate of volunteer service to government agencies.

The group is networked with Backcountry Horsemen of America, which has members in 25 other states.

Seventy-year-old Margie Fredrickson has always been an active person, but in 1986 she found herself unable to get out of bed.

“I could barely move,” said Fredrickson, whose doctors took a long seven months to finally make a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

A class at Tacoma Community College given by the Arthritis Foundation led her to water aerobics.

“I started to feel better every day,” she said, adding that fibromyalgia made her muscles feel extremely tight. She said the warm water soothed and relaxed those tight muscles and she began to feel more like herself.

“The Arthritis Foundation was such a lifeline for me, giving me something I could do,” said Fredrickson.

Soon she was teaching the water aerobics class, having been certified as an instructor, and her life began to return to normal.  She joined Weight Watchers, lost 61 pounds and joined a jazzercise class led by Kimberly DeMile of Federal Way Jazzercise.

DeMile said that she has many seniors in her class.

“It certainly helps them with their balance, because one of the main things that we’re told to do as we age is to be sure to do weight-bearing exercises,” she said.

Her classes include using weights, exercise balls, strengthening core muscles and lots of dancing.

“When you are dancing you are constantly moving your upper body, so your core strength is continually challenged and worked,” said DeMile, adding that it isn’t necessary to overdo things in order to work out and maintain good health.

“We aren’t becoming professional body builders, just staying healthy and keeping our weight down and making sure your heart is working in a non-competitive environment,” she said.

Every movement is tailored, and there is hopping, skipping and jumping with clients always having the option to revert to a low impact workout at any time during the classes.

The workout starts out slowly with a warmup, and after a short time, people start to peel off their extra sweatshirts and get into the swing of things. Weights, exercise bands and balls are at their feet, waiting to be pulled into action as the class moves forward.

While some may feel that they aren’t coordinated enough to do some of the dance moves, DeMile says, “We are not talking about ‘Dancing with the Stars.’”

DeMile encourages men and women of all ages to give Jazzercise five to seven classes to see how it goes. Some of the classes focus on body-sculpting, while others are dance-based. Each week offers a variety of opportunities to exercise and have fun doing it.

“The bottom line is if you don’t use it, you lose it,” said DeMile.Jazzercise2-color-web

The goal for this year’s Pierce County Toys for Tots drive is 70,000 toys. This is George Hight’s third year as coordinator for the Pierce County Toys for Tots, and he thinks they will make it.

Toys for Tots got its start in 1947 in Los Angeles, Calif. and has now spread to over 700 campaigns.

Hight said Marine Corps Reserve conducts the program wherever there is a reserve unit, and if there isn’t a unit, a voluntary organization can take it on.

“In Pierce County we have a Marine Corps league, and I’m the coordinator,” said Hight, who added he has a wonderful staff that handles what he considers to be 98 percent of the work.

“They are all veterans, Marines, soldiers, Navy and civilians,” he said.

Saying the average age of his volunteers is about 65, Hight estimates that most of the volunteers had a professional life and retired and are now available to donate their time and energy.

“When I find people like that who want to be involved and provide for the children, I latch on to them, give them a position and leave them alone,” he said, adding that the volunteers come with enormous management skills and ability and are very capable.

Chuck Warden started volunteering four years ago as a forklift driver and is now the transportation director for the local Toys for Tots organization.

“I may be financially retired, but I’m not mentally retired,” said Warden, who added he just doesn’t want to be what he refers to as a “couch potato.”

“When I walk out of that place every day, I know I contributed something back to the children of the community who are economically disadvantaged. It is a form of giving back to the community,” he said.

Some of the volunteers include prisoners from the Pierce County Jail system. Warden said they try hard to serve as an esteem builder for everyone.

In order to receive toys from the program, children must be eligible for any of the state Department of Health and Social Services (DSHS) programs, said Hight, adding that donations can be made at a number of local businesses.

“Edward Jones Investment is a great partner with us, and we have collection boxes at any Tacoma Fire station that is open,” said Hight.

There are approximately 140 Toys for Tots collection boxes scattered throughout the county, including Peninsula Metro Parks in Gig Harbor.

Toys for Tots is an IRS-recognized 501(c) (3) not-for-profit charity and operates in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Hight said they collect toys all year long, and the big push takes place from mid-October through the end of December, when volunteers work hard to collect as many new, unwrapped toys for the children in their local community as is humanly possible.  The goal is for each child to receive two toys.

Many hours are spent sorting the toys by age and gender to be sure that all the children have something new and appropriate to open on Christmas morning.

Saying that they receive hundreds of thank you notes and photos from grateful children and their families, Hight noted that it is rewarding to know that there will be a smile on each child’s face on Christmas morning.

For more information about Toys for Tots, visit

George Hight, coordinator of Toys for Tots in Pierce County, is seen with “Mrs. Claus” and Ed Troyer, a Pierce County Sheriff Department official and a Toys for Tots volunteer, at a toy drive at the Walmart store in South Hill last year.