The county fair with one of the longest histories of any in the United States returns this month in King County, followed by the Pierce County Fair in August.
They’re the kind of homespun events that are steeped in Americana and are still standing the test of time.

The King County Fair runs in Enumclaw from July 14 to July 17, opening each day at 10 a.m. at Enumclaw Expo Center, located at 45224 284th Ave. SE.
It started in 1863, when Abraham Lincoln was president and the Civil War was raging. The fair originated in Seattle and relocated to Renton before a non-profit group took it over and moved it to Enumclaw in 2015.
Livestock shows, 4H animal exhibits, music concerts, and rodeo events are among the annual attractions. Ticket prices this year include $7 for adults 65 and older and military members, $5 for kids 5 to 12, and $10 for everyone else. More information is available at and 360-226-3493.
Pierce County Fair’s history is shorter but still dates to the 1950s. This year’s four-day fair will be staged Aug. 11-14 at Frontier Park in Graham, located at 21606 Meridian E. Exhibits and entertainment will include 4H and FFA displays and competitions, animals, music and comedy acts, and carnival rides.
The fairgrounds will open at 10 each morning. More information, including ticket prices, is available at and 253-847-4754.