New senior meal sites replace closed senior centers

Two meal sites for seniors in Tacoma have been relocated as a result of the closure of two city-operated senior centers.

Meals that were served at the Lighthouse and Beacon senior centers are now available at Eastside Community Center (1721 E. 56th St.) and People’s Center (1602 Martin Luther King Jr. Way), respectively.

The lunchtime meals are offered through Catholic Community Services (CCS) and its congregate meals program, which focuses on enhancing the well-being of older adults through nutrition and socialization. Additional information is available from CCS at 253-474-1200.

CCS and volunteers serve meals at 12 noon some or all weekdays at sites throughout Pierce and King counties. A list of locations is available at

In Pierce County, meals are also offered some weekdays at non-CCS sites by Key Peninsula Community Services (253-884-4440), Korean Women’s Association (888-508-2780) , Mid-County Community Center (253-531-8412), and Orting Senior Center (360–893-5827).

Tacoma city officials closed the Lighthouse and Beacon senior centers and transferred the services there to facilities run by Parks Tacoma (formerly Metro Parks). The senior-center sites will be converted to other uses.